Anne Peters

A Very Grand Hotel

Once a centre of intrigue and espionage, the Grande Bretagne has held a distinctive prestige throughout the years, and, while maintaining an old world atmosphere, provides ultra-modern comforts to an elite clientele.

Surviving Street Traditions

Amid the hotchpotch of seething pavements and angry rush hour traffic, one can still stumble in Athens on a time warp: the shoe-shiner with his decorated box, the knife-grinder with his whetstone, the organ-grinder, and the salepdzis with his handsome brass urn.

Music for the Gods

Perhaps the most tantalizing aspect of ancient Greek culture is the loss of its music-a vital feature of their religion, drama, comedy, private entertainment and even athletics. The complexity and variety of the instruments depicted on vases hint at the sophistication and pervasiveness of music in ancient Greece.